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Metric | Value | vs prev |
New Contacts |
▼ 13%
New Companies |
▲ 319%
New Deals |
▲ 54%
Closing Deals |
▲ 129%
Closed Won |
▼ 24%
Closed Lost |
▲ 123%
Stable with minor fluctuations
The number of Deals Created remained steady at 85, showing no change from the previous period. This consistent performance might indicate stabilization in the deal creation process. Contrarily, Companies saw an increase from 19,866 to 21,737, marking a positive growth of 1,871. This growth reflects an expanding client base. Deals Closed Won improved slightly, going from 66 to 69, a positive change of 3, indicating better deal closing efficiency.
However, Deals Closed Lost increased from 14 to 28, an increase of 14, impacting the overall closed deal success rate negatively. Notably, there was a significant rise in the Closing Deals metric, which jumped from 336 to 997, indicating enhanced deal closure activities with a massive uplift of 661. Conversely, New Contacts saw a drop from 452 to 285, a decrease of 167, which might suggest a reduction in lead generation efforts.
Lastly, Closed Won Deals and Closed Won Deal Amount experienced declines from 800 to 343 and 757 to 286, respectively. These downturns, with reductions of 457 closed deals and 471 in deal amount, could indicate challenges in converting deals or in higher-value deals.